With boundless opportunities for students at Hub101 wanting to dip their toes into the startup world, business hopefuls around the center are a given. Journalists to cover events and there obviously. Graphic designers to design flyers, sure. Of course there are Do'ers at the front desk. But a singer and actress? Absolutely. Why would you think otherwise?

Brianna Bryan is a singer first, then an actress, then a young business professional. Even though her passions lie in the arts, she can’t help but be intrigued as to how she can use her creative skills to help businesses. She is integrated into the community here at Hub101 as a Cal Lutheran University student, working as an intern with an independent music company and as one of the founders on a new consulting company with Entrepreneur Club President Robert Kyler.
“I’m always up to something,” Bryan said in an email interview. “I somehow always find a way to stay productive when I’m at the center.”

Due to the variety of startup opportunities to get involved with at Hub101, she was able to mesh together her love of music with her passion for startups to work with CEO and Founder of music-sharing platform IndieU, Natalie Edell. She breaks the stigma that a center for entrepreneurship can only be utilized exclusively by business students.

“Hub101 is exactly what you make of it. If you want to jump right into the community, the community will notice, and will support your growth in the entrepreneurial lifestyle you’ve set out to live, in return,” Bryan said.
She is also a specialist at Apple and always has her own personal project on her plate. Expanding her horizons even further, she is a graphic and website designer feeling her most creative when she is up late buzzed on vanilla iced coffee.
“Probably because of this minor coffee addiction, I stay up really late. Always. That’s when I find I'm most creative,” Bryan said. “I love creating ideas for new revenue streams for any business.”
She heard about the center early this year when Hub101's Greg Monterrosa visited Professor Renne Rock's entrepreneurship class at the main campus and mentioned it in his visit.

No one instructed her to come to the center. No one said this is exactly what will happen, but instead, left her with: “Go and find out what it is for yourself.” And by day three, she was an intern with Edell.
“Thanks to Greg, Natalie, and Mike, I know I have the most supportive mentors possible. Most importantly, I found my second home at Hub101,” Bryan said.

Operated by Cal Lutheran University in Westlake Village, CA, Hub101 offers coworking, incubation and community for entrepreneurs and small business owners to start, grow, and scale their startups with the help of mentors, coaches and service providers.