We’re excited to announce that as of August 2020, we are rebranding Freelancers Academy to WorkElevation Academy. We want to share with you our rationale behind the updates, and what they represent for our brand and community.

Why the name change?
Freelancers Academy started as a place for freelancers to come, collaborate, and grow together. Over the years, our community has expanded beyond freelancers, so the name “Freelancers Academy” became too limiting. Our community consists of entrepreneurs and business owners of different stages and sizes, in addition to employees of various organizations. By changing our name to WorkElevation Academy, our name now represents the members of our community!
Who’s the academy for?
WorkElevation Academy is a free program for open-minded, growth-oriented entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who are looking to build and strengthen essential skills, learn new tools and resources, gain new perspectives, and connect with like-minded individuals.
What’s different (if anything)?
Only the name! We have always embodied this energy, identity, and community.
What’s staying the same?
The time, day, agenda, cost (free!), accountability, member and guest speakers, tracker document, Slack channel, calendar invites, and host.
What can people expect out of the program (especially for those who haven’t yet attended)?
WorkElevation Academy is a weekly gathering of amazing entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs determined to grow their businesses and relationships. We offer accountability, short lessons, member and guest speakers, mentorship, inspiration, motivation, and joy!
Learn more about WorkElevation Academy here!